Yun is a

UX Researcher Data Analyst Data Scientist Story Teller


Personal Tutor for Bethany Children's Home

The children in children's homes usually lack academic resources as well as the privilege to maintain a study habit. I was a volunteer to weekly tutor one child for two years. I considered myself not only as a volunteer but also as a navigator by making a step forward towards social equity.

2017 Scholar of Bai Xian Asia Institute

BXAI’s vision is to become Asia’s preeminent educational platform that paves the way towards a prosperous, sustainable, and conflict-free modern Asia. By building bridges across cultures, BXAI seeks to develop a new generation of leaders through scholarship and education programs that create opportunities for intercultural exchange and learning.

2017 BaiXian Group

2017 BaiXian Closing Ceremony

2017 BaiXian Trip

BaiXian Scholar Trip to XiTou

2017 BaiXian Girls

BaiXian Girl Power